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Sevenstar partners with schools and families worldwide in delivering high quality Christian education. We have more than 90 courses for 6th - 12th grade.


A virtual library created for students of Escuela Panamericana where they can access the content of teacher, Jorge Laínez library.

EBSCO offers different databases in various formats (books, journals, reports, conferences) with complete texts in all areas of knowledge. All these databases allow for quick, easy and efficient research and have been specially selected for the different academic programs of the Panamerican School.


Global Student Network's courseware programs incorporate standards-based and self-paced approach to learning.

© 2020 by Panamerican School

Biblical Message: 

John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Calle El Carmen #1348, Colonia Escalon, San Salvador, El Salvador

503-2505-7575 Phone


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